Thursday, March 31, 2005


We have plane tickets for the 6th. Hooray

Elena brought us our plane tickets for our flight out on April 6th at 11:30 a.m.. Woo-Hoo. Todd has massive head cold, I am better but all of us are still hacking. Lungs are shot. Blech to the air.

Sam lay on the floor today and pulled the wool blanket over his head to “rest”. It was one of those days too. It was overcast, steady rain or drizzle and cold. Ew.

I finished my 10th book of the trip right before Saralee called here. Abbie is so going to miss having her most favorite people toy. ☺

Tammy is on her way to nab her and take her back to St. Louis. Oh my, whatever will she find to do there?

Wednesday, March 30, 2005


Irtysh. Here's the bed. Posted by Picasa

ONe more week to go in Ust (we hope)

Sam was a total bum today. Kept flopping spread eagle on the floor to “rest”.

One week until we are supposed to leave.

Court date of April 4, where we have to give two speeches and then we are due to depart Ust on Wednesday the 6th at 11:30 a.m. We are supposed to pick up the children the morning of the 6th on our way to the airport.

One more week. Sixteen hours more to spend at the orphanage. Ergh ……..

Ingrid and Beth saw the Director/Doctor today. As another friend remarked, “The squeaky wheels got the grease.” Oh Yeah.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005


We are still here

Sam still lively. He ripped two of the fake plant displays off the wall in the halls. Ooops.

I’ve got to tell Saralee about her strange counterpart in the orphanage. so strangely like her.

Contemplating gambling in the Casino which is connected to our hotel-NOT

Whoops. We went out tonight with Anita (43) and Theo Cotuna and had a blast. So much fun talking and laughing. We missed Abbie’s nightly call to us. Bad parents we are.
Charlotte and Dave had to leave a note on our door shaming us for not being in ;-)

We went to the Pancake Place and ordered lots of food ☺ Tried two new things – yummy. Theo told very funny and very serious stories about his childhood. I hope we continue contact with them for years to come. They are so wonderful and I cannot begin to imagine what they have been through the past few years

Pancake House. Yummy. Ate there once a day basically. In Ust catty corner from the Irtysh Posted by Picasa

Monday, March 28, 2005


Badly drawn map Posted by Picasa

Sam in good spirits and awake

Sam in good mood all day. Todd would walk him in the halls outside the room. Sam loves bashing at the fake plants on the walls and is fascinated by the full length mirror. The mirror has even elicited two sounds. Gasp!

Sunday, March 27, 2005


Ministry of Education

Our first session we met with Elena and the Minister of Education. Alfiya translated what the Minister of Education was telling us about our court date. We have two speeches to make. Needs to be emotional too. We can write it out too. Then Alfiya will translate for the judge.

Charlotte and Dave broke out a new toy that was a huge hit with all of the kids. You shake it and it makes noise. Happiness is.

Met the Cotunas and bonded with the Baers

Sam was a whirling dervish (at least for him). I saw him up in a window being held by a caretaker looking down at us. Lots of waving. He wanted on the ground and did lots of crawling. I even got a few sly grins. He would opt for Dad over Mom. Dad is eating it up. ☺

I degress to yesterday. Todd and I were eating lunch on the 2nd floor (sweltering) of the Pancake House when from the table behind Todd a guy said, “Why are you in Ust?” in a total American voice. Turns out even weirder, the guy got his MBA from IU and lives in Bloomington, Indiana. Twilight Zone music please. He is here as part of a volunteer business program to help Kaz businesses. It was just so bizarre. He told us there were 205 thousand people living here in Ust. He said there was very little snow – Mentioned Indy probably had more snow, but that it was super cold, 40 below for weeks on end and that every molecule of water was frozen. Seven seconds outside could leak to frost bite on your cheeks. He said he would not want to stay in Kaz long term due to the bad air and water quality. Also male’s life spans here are short.

A gal came up to Charlotte and I in the lobby and asked if one of us was Michele. I said me and she introduced herself as Anita Cotuna. I was so glad to “find” her. Charlotte and I had been talking about her the day before during the van drive. We still do not know what agency they are with, or who they are using here in Ust. They had a horrible experience. I love Inna and Frank Foundation even more. First Anita and Theo Cotuna were trying to adopt from Romania. Theo is Romanian. They have a referral and in fact have visited with them at the foster home (can’t remember if boy or girl). Romania shut down adoptions. Their in-laws got a tape of two children in Sunye (sp?) orphanage (near Ust). There was a third child on the tape. They inquired about her and decided they would adopt her. Did all the paper work for Kaz and the day they received their LOI the adoption agency called to tell them the little girl had been visited and could no longer be adopted, although they had been told she was a foundling. They told the Cotunas to come on to Ust and they would do whatever they could to find them a child. gets shifty here too. On their 171 form the agencies social worker had written child between the ages of “0-5” instead of what they desired “0-3”. And gee, when they arrived they were taken to the child house not the baby house and shown siblings 5 years and up. Hmmmm. Anita and Theo did decide on a sibling group boy and girl 3 ½ and 4 ½ . The Cotunas were in an apartment (get outta here) for the first two nights until the landlady constantly banged on the door wanting more money since they were Americans. They were at our hotel for two nights and were charged an insane amount. Ye Gads. Hopefully we will keep in contact while here. Poor Souls.

Saturday, March 26, 2005


9 days gone from Abbie

It has been nine days since we left Indy and nine days until we go to court. Twenty days until we get home (hopefully) UGH!

a.m. session: Sam was cranky, nose running and teething bad. Todd held him and walked with him the majority of the time.

2 p.m. session: Sam felt better obviously. Lots of crawling --- one of the other kids had crayons and Sam was single-minded in his desire for them. He would crawl over to them, pick one up, Todd would go over, Sam would drop it. Todd would pick him up and carry him back to put him down. Sam would take off crawling back to the crayon. Over and over and over. Alfiya even giggled at him. Well at least Sam and Abbie have something in common--- that’s for certain. That single-minded determination that will not be distracted or swayed. Goodie.

Mommy and Sam Posted by Picasa

Friday, March 25, 2005


Saralee to our house today

Today there was no energy in kids or adults. Very Blah. Finally figured out Sam was having a bad-teething day. Very fussy, not playing at all. Poor little guy.

In the evening we called home to talk to Abbie and Saralee. But only got Saralee. Meeshie had taken Abbie to Laura’s for a sleepover so Saralee, who flew in, could come into an empty house after the taxi driver let her out. We didn’t have anything new to share. So going to call back tomorrow night to chat with Abbie.

Thursday, March 24, 2005


Ust and the famous Irtysh Hotel Posted by Picasa

Sam smiled

In the a.m. he had a big, big grin when they brought him in. Very active throughout the entire session. Like Abbie, Sam really likes playing with Mommy’s hair. His congestion is much better. I wonder if that had anything to do with inactivity the first couple of days. Yeah, that must have been it!

Todd meets his son Sam Posted by Picasa

We are here in Ust Kamenogorsk

WE have seen Sam and he is awesome (of course). He watches everything and everyone. He does have a favorite caregiver and makes a beeline to her when he sees or hears her enter the room. He is well loved and such a cutie. FINALLY got to see him crawl and smile. He is not the least bit energetic. The weather is great. NO coats and sunshine is bright and strong. Alfiya our translator is great and such a worker. lots of paperwork still (of course) and she is constantly on the job. She is fab with the kids too. we are here with other families, but we are the only ones from KIDS FIRST. There will be a total of 7 kids with us on the way home. The plane ride from Ust to Almaty is already dreaded by us all. Seats are very small and there is no moving room. ugh. then add kids/babies on everyones laps. oh my. We have had pizza and beef sandwiches for our dinners. nice walks. the altitude is really affecting our stamina, ok that's our excuse. and the exciting news is there are 2 english speaking tv stations. The main one we watch is National Geographic. oh boy, and then one night was all about horrific plane crashes, yeah, that's what we wanna see. lol.
business center is going to close soon, so better go. miss you all. Thanks Judy for posting to the blog for us. You're awesome.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005


Getting into a routine already

He giggled. I made him giggle and even got one chortle. He is ticklish under his arm and the sides of his ribs.

We filled out more paperwork with Alfiya.

This is our Ust Schedule:

8 a.m. Alarm goes off. Bright sun lighting up the whole room. I shower then Todd – at our leisure.
9 ish We head down to the hotel breakfast area. We stop by the front desk for “tickets” for our meals.
9:45 We are back to our room to get diaper bag, coat, pee, whatever, then back down to the lobby to wait for the maroon van.
10 ish We leave as a group for the orphanage.
10:20 ish They start bringing out the kids.
12 noon The kids go back to caregivers food, and nap. We head back to the hotel for same.
2 We meet in the hotel lobby for second visit to the orphanage that day.
2:15 to 4:00 Play, Play, Play. Back in the van to return to the hotel. We might stop by Daniels Supermarket for staple items like water and Diet Coke.
4:30 Back for the night usually. Watch National Geographic Channel and read.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005


Back to the orphanage

Well quite the shock today. Sam crawled. Go figure. Spent lots of time throwing balls to Daddy then just took off crawling. So not so much developmentally delayed as lazy. ☺ Smart-ass crawled.

Weather is amazing. Sunny. No coats. All went to lunch together at the Black Bull. Todd remembered to ask Alfiya to tip or not to tip. Answer is no tip. She took Janet and I to purchase a phone card at the post office. If it works, it will be the best topper on a good day. As an aside, it did NOT work.

Oh, when Sam saw his caregiver --- when she came at the end of our personal visit, he lit up and took off crawling to her.

Finally got to talk to Saralee. What a relief for all of us. Between the holiday here and not being able to use the phone card, it was a total loss. Very frustrating. Charlotte and David (bless them) used the front desk at the hotel last night. Transferred up to room. So that’s what we did. Happy Day!

We talked to ABBIE!!! Such a relief. She was not happy to learn that we were not on our way home, and she asked to talk to Daddy, not Mommy. Ouch! It was just so great to hear her voice.

Sunday, March 20, 2005


Today we meet and hold our Son!!!

Both of us very excited. I woke up with a big grin.

Had breakfast in hotel, then met in lobby at 10:00 a.m. to go to the orphanage (15-minute drive).

All of us in the same room. Brought kids in one at a time. Kariat had obviously been snatched out of a sound sleep. And was not pleased. His hair had been cut. Danged if it’s not blonde. Swear.

Kairat was not very responsive. But he watched everything going on. Also he could mimic. We put the cheese wedge on top of the Wiggle Giggle and he continues to try to balance it on top again. If I use one finger to tap, he uses one finger to tap.

His major muscles are in dire need. Arms and legs are thin and dare I say scrawny? He has made a total of 7 noises. He pulls and tugs at his waist/legs and we think he is hating the feel of the diaper. Tuff kid, you got to wear them. His feet and hands are small. The 12–18 Robeez/Shoo-bee shoes are enormous next to his foot.

He will pick up (if within reach) and throw a ball. Right or Left hand. We got an honest smile while I was holding a decorated huge ball and he could see me through it, and when he hit it, it twirled between my fingers (I only helped a tiny bit) He was rubbing his eye and starting to cry, so I held him and he almost fell asleep on my shoulder.

Todd says being a strong sleeper is good.

Todd and I ventured out tonight. We found the pizza place. I am getting panicky not talking to Abbie. I am going to fall apart soon. I tried every phone we passed. Alfiya says the closest internet is at the Library, which is closed due to the New Year Holiday here.

Michele had a meltdown at bedtime. Bawled like crazy. Wanted to get on a plane and go home to see Abbie. MAJOR WITHDRAWAL.

Friday, March 18, 2005


Airport at Almaty, waiting in yet another line Posted by Picasa

Thursday, March 17, 2005


And so the journey begins

March 17 --- 1:20 p.m. Todd and I left for Chicago on the way to Almaty, Kazakhstan. It was really hard leaving Abbie. I know she will have a great time and be spoiled but I am her mommy. But I can’t leave my son either – so off we go.

Chicago Airport ---- Todd and I hustled to the Lufthansa gate to get boarding passes. We were 6th in line. When we got our seats and went to look for lunch, the line was about 100 deep. GULP! We made the right call. We couldn’t get exit row, but got bulkhead seats. We were next to an Indian couple with a four-week-old baby, yes, 4 week old boy. I could not sleep --- not comfortable. I did watch the two movies. Yack! Neverland and a Pierce Brosnon/Selma Hayak bad movie. By the time we landed in Frankfurt, I was dizzy I was so tired. We have over five hours to wait --- so we looked for a bench to stretch out and sleep. We both got some sleep, but it was very loud there and the bench was short. ☺

Frankfurt to Almaty --- Oh My! Teeny, tiny squished seats. I was claustrophobic. Watched Bridget Jones, part II. Read also.

Almaty – WOW!! Brand new gorgeous airport. both of us were stunned! Zipped through customs --- barely glanced at us, scanned passports. Onward. Bags took a long time to arrive. We were both getting worried. But they all made it. Met translator (Sofia) and rest of our group.

Chatted with Janet and Melinda on the way to get into the cars to head to the hotel in Almaty. We knew we would like them right away.

Charlotte and Dave Baer 2 BB and BG (10mo 8 mo)
Janet and Melinda 2 B & G
Rich, Beth and Sydney (3) 1 B
Ingrid 1 2 yrs old

We met Dave and Charlotte while waiting on the teeny tiny elevator in the Aiser. We all just wanted to lay down in a bed and sleep.

We stayed in the Hotel Aiser. Nice Room. We called Saralee to check in, took sleeping pills and zonked out. Checked out and met in lobby at 2 p.m. Loaded up and headed to the airport. Flight to leave at 4 p.m., NOT! Delayed until 6 p.m. So we all sat and chatted. Really nice actually. Checked bags and headed to the plane, oh wait --- no --- first we get on a shuttle and drive waaaay out on the tarmac to our little 40-seat prop plane. Todd was not happy. Todd determined that someone one pound heavier or one inch taller would not have fit in the seat. I agree. Good news is that we didn't get the very last row of seats on the plane, that would be Dave and Charlotee directly behind us. LOL We all tried to envision the flight back with all our kids --- total of seven. The flight was about two hours long. We drive to the Hotel Irtysh. Checked in. Small room. (see photos). Very, very hot. We opened our window to get cooler. The only problem with the window open is the dogs that barked continuously all night. Even with sleeping pills we could not do it. Shades also in, 80 soon as sun started up, lighted room up.

Airplane from Almaty to Ust Posted by Picasa

Almaty Airport Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, March 16, 2005


Packing for Trip

Wow, I think it is really going to happen. Did great with packing, so must have forgot something big. I can't believe tomorrow we are going to say goodbye to out best baby girl and get on a plane and fly around the world. And in just a couple of days we will be able to see and hold our not so baby, baby boy Sam. Have I mentioned lately how awesome Inna and Kids First is? Inna even translated a paragraph for us so we can give Sam's caregivers a book for them to share stories or any information they have about him. Pretty cool. Going to go to bed now.....maybe.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005


Sam in February Posted by Hello

Monday, March 14, 2005


23 hour flight time to Almaty

Here is the flight information:
17 MAR Thursday
United flight #7722 E70 14D 14F
LV Indy 1:20 PM
AR Chicago 1:38 PM
1 hour and 18 min almost 2 hour layover

Lufthansa flight #431 E333 39H 39K
LV Chicago 3:25 PM
AR Frankfurt 6:50 AM
8 hours 25 min over 5 hour layover

18 MAR Friday
Lufthansa flight #648 E332 24H 24K
LV Frankfurt 12:10 PM
AR Almaty 11:40 PM
6 hours 30 min 16 hours and 13 min (~23 hours)

We will travel from Almaty to Ust-Kamenogorsk which is about a 3 to 3 ½ hour flight.

15 APR Friday
Lufthansa flight #647 E332 20A 20C
LV Almaty 4:20 AM
AR Frankfurt 6:15 AM
6 hours 55 min almost 3 hour layover

Lufthansa flight #430 E747 43A 43B
LV Frankfurt 10:10 AM
AR Chicago 12:05 PM
8 hours 55 min almost 3 hour layover

United flight #7786 ER4 6D 6F
LV Chicago 2:50 PM
AR Indy 3:54 PM
1 hour and 4 min 16 and 54 min (let’s say 17 hours)
(~23 hours)

En Route Travel
Agent: Adrian 514AL
Record: NBC65C

Sunday, March 13, 2005


Who has Abbie when

We are very lucky. My mother in law and her husband are going to stay in our house with Abbie. She will really want the stability and comfort while we are gone. My sister Saralee is also giving up her spring break to spend it here with Abbie. Such a sacrifice. And Tammy is taking her back to St Louis to play with Claire and Audrey. THAT is what Abbie is focusing on at this point.
Jackie will take care of Trey (taking her to Mentzers) and then looking after the cats when no one is here at the house (Abbie in St Louis). Saralee will make sure all the pets are cared for and that there is plenty of food, cat litter, etc. Tammy is responsible for getting out Abbie's spring clothes if the weather warrants it.
Judy loaned us her big travel/duffel bag which was a huge help the last time in Kaz, plus a tolietry bag for me.
Todd, Abbie and I have a great family and support team. Without them there is no WAY I would have even considered leaving Abbie for this long. Yes yes, I know it will be hardest on me, but she will be sad too. But not for long I'm sure.
March 17-til morning of March 25 Meeshie and PaPaw

March 25- March 31 Saralee

March 31 1- April 6 Tammy’s house

April 7th – April 15th Meeshie and PaPaw

12:30 Midnight Thursday the 24th Saralee arrives
she has key will let self in and head to basement for sleep

April 7th Tammy will drive Abbie over and someone will meet her about halfway in Effingham, Illinois. That person will take Abbie from Tammy and bring her home to Brehob Rd.

Friday, March 11, 2005

Tammy, Claire and Audrey arrived for Abbie's birthday party tomorrow. The girls immediately started playing together.
Saturday is Abbie's big day. She will be 4 years old. She wanted a My Little Pony themed party, so there we go. Lots of people were here to celebrate. She had a wonderful time.

Thursday, March 10, 2005


Tickets to Ust Kamenogorsk Kazakhstan

$1993 apiece. Thanks to my sister Susie, big chunk is taken care of. She is giving us her miles. Hooray for Susie!!!! Going thru En Route Travel for tickets. Better prices than I could find on line.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005


Visa teeny snafu

We were supposed to receive our visas on Tuesday. Turns out the gal at Frank Foundation address it with the right street, but wrong city. They put Avon, Indiana. Just had to re-deliver it the next day. Luckily we aren't traveling right away.

The Visas DID arrive the next day as promised by Fed-X

WE are going

Inna contacted us. We are to buy tickets. Woo-Hoo. I cannot believe it is really happening.

Monday, March 07, 2005


4 Photos of Sam

Jane was able to have the coordinator takes pictures of Sam with her digital camera and she just sent them to me. Oh my! What a great little guy. I hope he likes us.....

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