Thursday, October 28, 2004


No new video, sniff

I had been emailing each day asking if the video was there yet. Not yet.
Emailed Cara and she emailed back saying they have a video of "Kairat" is that Sam?
She told me to call and talk to Inna in about an hour. Inna likes to view the tapes first.
I had a doctor's appointment, so that was fine.
I called Inna after the Dr's appt and she confirmend that there was a new video, but she had not looked at it yet, but for me to come on up. She said she would watch it and they we could look at it together.
Todd was working, but had already told his boss that we were getting a new video and that he was taking a long lunch hour so he could some home and watch it a few dozen times.
I get up to the office and Inna was so sad. She said it was NOT a new video, it was the same video we already had.
Know that feeling when you fly down the roller coaster and zip into a dark tunnel and spin around? Well that's what I felt. I did not get anything else accomplished the rest of the day. Thankfully I had Abbie to keep me focused and even laughing.
Well, if this is the worst thing to happen, I will live.

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